Well, hello again, people's of the internets. I thought I'd take some time today to tell you about a couple of flash projects I'm in, which have been entered into Madness Day. First off, one that's been out for a while, but maybe you haven't gotten the chance to check it out yet...
Lovely bit of animation from Xionico, in which I play the role of Omega. And speaking of Xionco we also have part 2 for you, released just a few days ago!
Xionic Madness 4 - Part 2
And finally, last, but certainly never least is MOC's Madness Heist! In which I play the extremely dickish, and rather unpleasant Evans. In this baby I get to star alongside such wonderful people as Apatheria, RicePirate, and ShockDingo! Definitely check this one out!
Madness Heist
So that's all I've got for you this time. Hope you enjoy the flashes, and Happy Madness Day, everyone!
HEAVEN OR HELL!!! you are sensational man